Archive for the ‘news’ Category

Too Much Sex Can Be A Bad Thing – Tiger Woods PETA Billboard Ad

February 26, 2010

Good news: Tiger Woods return to advertising. Bad news: Involuntarily and for PETA. 😉

Moments after his sex scandal was revealed, companies pulled their Tiger Woods ads and the golfer went from ubiquitous to pretty much invisible. Is Tiger’s days as product endorsement champ over? Not to PETA! The animal-rights group came up with the “cheeky spay-and-neuter” billboard above (without the golfer’s approval) that will surely bring a resurgence to all those bad Tiger Woods jokes: It will be a challenge to find an advertiser to put up the sign, acknowledged Virginia Fort, a campaigner with PETA who is working on the project. “It’s a fun, tongue-in-cheek approach. We hope these billboard companies will understand,” Fort said. She said the billboard isn’t meant to offend the golfer, his family or fans, but to prevent millions of cats and dogs from being euthanized at shelters each year. […] “We’re sure Tiger will appreciate our attempt — from a story that’s distracted the world and followed Tiger — to turn it into something positive for little tigers,” she said.